Here you will find helpful career tips from A-Z. Are you a career starter and can't tell up from down? Maybe you are just looking for tips for a successful job interview. Our guide covers it all.

Career Starters

10 eye-opening tips on how to find a job you love
Are you looking for a new job? Here are 10 eye-opening tips on how to find a job you love, that makes you happy and fulfills you. Intrigued?

How to write a short bio example yourself: Create your personal bio in 5 steps
A personal biography is a great way to describe your professional development in just a few words.

Best jobs for teenagers: 10 high paying teen jobs
You want to earn some extra money during the summer? We present you the 10 best jobs for teenagers.

Writing guide: Condolence message for coworker (+ examples)
In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about condolence messages at work.

Virtual team building activities during quarantine
Virtual team building as a strategic initiative should thus be approached actively by every HR department and manager. Learn more here!

Remote working: Benefits and challenges
Remote work is becoming increasingly popular because it offers benefits to employers and employees.

Ice breaker questions for virtual meetings
Many meetings take place via conference call in the “virtual world” rather than in an office. Even virtually, it’s important to come across as personable!

How to manage virtual work teams
Managing virtual teams with the right project management tools.
Employment Law

Signs of discrimination at work
Discrimination tactics have many faces, and workplace discrimination is more common than you might think! For more information check out this article!

How to handle sexism at work
Sexism in the workplace is still a big issue! In this article you will learn how to deal with sexism in the workplace and what you can do about it!

Interview questions that are illegal in the US
This article is about what makes an interview question illegal, and it gives employers tips on how to ask the right questions.

Getting pregnant on probation period – is my job at risk?
If you are on probation period and pregnant or know someone who is – this article will help you understand the legal situation.
Job Application

Tips on how to follow up on a job application (+ email templates)
In this article, we inform you how to follow up on an application, provide you with useful samples, and tell you what to do if you don’t receive a response!

3 powerful server resume examples (+ comprehensive guide)
The guide describes how a perfect application as a restaurant server looks like.

Customer service resume: HR approved resume templates for customer service positions
Templates for an impressive resume for a job in customer services. HR approved!

Unsolicited application letter – example for fresh graduates
Are you among the newly graduated job seekers looking for possible job openings in various companies? Learn how to write a great unsolicited application letter!
Money & Salary

18 jobs that pay $20 an hour – no college degree necessary
Looking for a new job opportunity? We have some really good suggestions of jobs that pay $20 an hour!

How to make money from home: 30 fun ways to earn money online
Are you looking for ways to make money online? Then check out our 30 tips with salary expectations and requirements!

What is annual income? (+ Calculation example)
In this article, we will explain what annual income is, how to calculate annual income in general, and give you a calculation example!

What are commuter benefits
Millions of people commute to work every day, but what are the benefits of commuting? Find out here!
Part Time Jobs

7 part-time jobs for pre-med students with no clinical experience
Before you apply to become a medical student, it might be a good idea to gain some clinical experience.

Part-time jobs for college students
Are you a college student looking for a good paying job that you can do in your spare time? Here you will find your answer.

Remote part-time jobs for students
Are you looking for part-time jobs for students? We have studied the best online jobs for students from different points of view.

Best summer jobs: Top jobs during summer break 2022
Check out this guide on great summer vacation jobs for teens and college students.
Soft Skills

The top 8 interpersonal skills you’ll ever need (+ resume examples)
Why are great interpersonal skills so important? Learn more about the impact of soft skills at work.

Top 10 soft skills in the workplace – and why they matter
Strong soft skills are a crucial factor of being successful in the workplace. In this article, we summarized the top 10 soft skills for you.

The 50 most famous leadership quotes
For hundreds of years, great leaders in history have dealt with the topic of leadership. We have collected the best leadership quotes for you!

Soft skills for managers
Soft skills are extremely important for managers. The further development of soft skills (social skills) helps managers to expand their leadership competencies and grow personally. The following soft skills are important for managers!
Termination of employment

Wrongful termination
If an employer fired you for illegal reasons, there are legal protections available for wrongful firing. Learn how to handle a wrongfrul termination!

Termination letter – how to terminate the employment contract
Writing a termination letter is not always easy. Here you find all the basic information on how to write a employee termination (+examples).

Is it better to quit or be fired from a job?
In this article, we will go into detail about when it is better to quit or be fired.

Reasons for leaving a job
Learn about answer examples for the difficult interview question, “Why did you leave your last job?”
Work Environment

Signs of racial discrimination at work
Racism in the workplace comes in various forms.

The entire employee onboarding process in 5 easy steps
The entire employee onboarding process in 5 easy steps.

Leaving a toxic work environment: Step-by-step guide
Are you no longer comfortable at your job and have felt like quitting for a while?

Signs of a toxic work environment
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what constitutes a toxic work environment and what you can do against it.