Wir sind eine junge, schnell wachsende Jobbörse und suchen ständig nach weiteren Partnern. Gemeinsam vergrößern wir die Reichweite jeder Stellenanzeige und helfen Arbeitssuchenden in 12 Ländern, ihren Traumjob zu finden. Neugierig?

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Führende Job-Portale vertrauen uns

“From day 1, it has been a breeze to work with LifeworQ. We have partnered together in as many as 12 countries and this has helped both companies to grow in these markets.”
Jean-Pierre Rabbath,
Chief Product Officer & VP of Analytics

“Our partnership with LifeworQ started in late 2019 with one campaign. We rapidly grew to 12 markets from Europe to North America. LifeworQ's data-driven approach and transparent communication makes it a key partner for us.”
Mirko Oliverio,
Account Director

“LifeworQ is a valuable partner for our international traffic mix. The collaboration is straightforward which allows us to scale quickly and optimize flexibly.”
Natascha Spahn,
Publishers Account Manager